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RGB to Hex Converter

Convert RGB color codes to HEX HTML format for use in web design and CSS. Also converts RGBA to HEX.

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Set color levels (0-255) for red, green, and blue, and Use it:

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### RGB to HEX Color Code Converter

Our **RGB to HEX Color Code Converter** simplifies the process of converting RGB and RGBA color codes to HEX format, which is commonly used in web design and CSS. This tool ensures accurate color representation for your web projects.


#### **How to Use the Converter:**

1. **Enter RGB Color Code:**
  - Input your RGB color code in the format `rgb(R, G, B)`, where R, G, and B are integers between 0 and 255. For example, `rgb(255, 99, 71)`.

2. **Enter RGBA Color Code (Optional):**
  - If you have an RGBA color code, input it in the format `rgba(R, G, B, A)`, where R, G, and B are integers between 0 and 255, and A is a decimal value between 0 and 1 (representing opacity). For example, `rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.5)`.

3. **Convert to HEX:**
  - Click the “Convert” button to get the HEX color code.

4. **Use the HEX Code:**
  - The converted HEX color code will be displayed, which you can use in your web design or CSS.


#### **Conversion Details:**

- **RGB to HEX:** The RGB color values are converted to a 6-digit HEX code. For example, `rgb(255, 99, 71)` converts to `#FF6347`.
- **RGBA to HEX:** The RGBA values are converted to HEX, but opacity (A) is not represented in the HEX color code. For example, `rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.5)` converts to `#FF6347` (opacity is not included in HEX).


### **Examples:**

- **RGB Example:**
 - **Input:** `rgb(34, 139, 34)`
 - **Output:** `#228B22`

- **RGBA Example:**
 - **Input:** `rgba(34, 139, 34, 0.7)`
 - **Output:** `#228B22` (opacity not included)


Our **RGB to HEX Converter** is designed to streamline your color coding process, making it easier to integrate precise colors into your web designs and CSS.